Ask Ellen Anmuth, Psychotherapist – ABC TV’s “Shark Tank” as a Metaphor for Faith and Control

In What Way is the ABC TV show “Shark Tank” a Metaphor for Faith and Control in Business Marketing and Development?

This series, “Ask Ellen Anmuth, Psychotherapist”, is devoted to addressing emails from readers.

SANDRA FROM INDIANA WRITES: I work in the field of spiritual coaching, and I find myself watching “Shark Tank” from a perspective of spirituality. In other words, I feel that people who come to the show have a dream that they wish to manifest. They seem to have some degree of control, but when they get into the “Shark Tank”, they do not know how the panel of “Sharks” will respond to their idea. Can you comment on the issue of control and spirituality related to business development?

ELLEN ANMUTH, PSYCHOTHERAPIST: I appreciate this very insightful question, Sandra. I think that the TV show, “Shark Tank” has become very popular because it taps into some of the core issues for individuals with a dream of building and promoting their own product or business. What does it tap into?

Perhaps the core issue is “Control”. The notion of “control” is a fascinating one to ponder, on many levels…practical business, spiritual and psychological.

On the TV show, “Shark Tank”, we have seen some people present their ideas with great confidence, only to find out that they are unprepared to answer questions about the nuts and bolts of the finances related to their product. Others come in very prepared financially, and yet seem to present with an air of arrogance that offends the “Sharks”.  When people have business dreams, what causes some deals to click, and other deals to fail?

An aspect of success in business promotion may be that subjective element of “right place, right time”,  and an aspect of the blending of personalities of the business owner and the business investor. What other elements are operating on both conscious and unconscious levels between people negotiating a business deal? What aspects of verbal and non-verbal communication contribute to outcomes? 

To what extent to we have control over a business situation, despite the best intentions to plan and prepare? To what extent do we have control over any interpersonal interaction?

Some Aspects to consider:

1) Did you ever feel totally prepared and confident, and find out that a presentation did not go your way? Did the opposite ever occur, in that when you are hardly trying at all, things click and unexpectedly positive things happen?

2) Do you believe in a spiritual component to business?

3) Do you believe in fate, in that if one door closes, it is because something better is around the corner?  I appreciate any comments on the topic of spirituality, control and business outcomes.

Ellen Anmuth Film Review: “Field of Dreams” and the Law of Attraction


According to Wikipedia, “Field of Dreams” is a 1989 American fantasy-drama  starring Kevin Costner, James Earl Jones, Amy Madigan, Ray Liotta, Burt Lancaster and other talented actors. A famous line from the film is “If you build it, he will come”.

When I first watched this movie, I had never heard of “The Law of Attraction”, which has been defined as the belief that like attracts like, and by focusing on positive thoughts, one can attract positive things. Others have added that thoughts alone will not attract positive things into our lives. We must  also do the necessary actions to assist in our manifesting our desires.

How is this film “good medicine” for our lives? Today the Dow hit an all time high. People feel optimistic about the stock market…for this moment in time. There is no guarantee of continued increase in the stock market without some pullbacks. Ah…a metaphor for life? The stock market is higher since its inception, but always with ups and downs.

How do we stay calm and optimistic through life’s inevitable ups and downs?

1) Perhaps watch “Field of Dreams” again for a dose of good feelings. The character, played by Kevin Costner, did actions he believed in, even when others could not see or embrace his visions (pun intended!!)

2) Think of what you would like to create in your life…better health, more love, increase in financial security? Write a journal of your goals.

3) Write down the action steps under each goal.

4) Every day, do at least one action step toward the goal.

5) Keep a journal of your feelings. If you feel sad, fearful or pessimistic, write the feelings down and the date.

6) Do the action steps to address each fear or concern. If you have business concerns, call the local college business school or free resources, like the SBA or SCORE. Ask for help from others, take walks, meditate, listen to music, or do other activities that help your creativity.

7) If you have an issue with love or relationships, perhaps you can call a licensed therapist to explore your issues and get some help.

8) Be open to coincidences and synchronicity. In the film, Kevin Costner’s character went on a roller coaster ride of despair to hope, and found great love, meaning and fulfillment. Yes, watch this film again for inspiration, and enjoy!

Ellen Anmuth Film Review