5 Quick & Simple Happiness Habits for Busy People

Have you ever been so busy that you forget to center yourself, relax, de-stress and reach for a moment of happiness? Why did I use the expression, “reach for a moment of happiness”?

I think that feelings of happiness are transitory, as are all feelings, such as sadness, anxiety or anger, for example. Why not increase the moments of happiness, and decrease the other stressful feelings? Here are some quick and simple happiness habits for busy people:

1) Every so often, when your focus of attention is outside yourself–on another person or on a project or activity– do a “check-in”. Ask yourself, “What am I feeling?” and “What am I thinking?”

2) Take in a deep breath in while you do step #1, and on the exhale, release as many stressful feelings and thoughts that you can. Repeat this a few times.

3) Take a “60 Second Vacation”. That means to allow stressful thoughts and feelings to be suspended for 60 seconds, while you allow your thoughts and feelings to drift to a pleasant memory or peaceful image.

4) Then ask yourself, “What can I do now to nurture myself in this moment?” Perhaps you need some water or something healthy to eat, such as fruit. Perhaps you skipped lunch, and need a healthy meal. Perhaps you are exhausted, and need to rest for a longer time. If you have evaluated a situation that bothers you, maybe you have realized that you have no control over the issue that is flooding through your mind. Or, you may decide that you do have some control over an issue. If so, write down some ideas about a plan of action to address the current issue that is draining you. We usually feel better when we identify a draining issue and set up an action plan.

5) Do a Gratitude Exercise. Take a few moments to list in your mind, or write down the things you are grateful for. This has been proven to reduce stress and increase a sense of peace and happiness.


Ellen Anmuth, Psychotherapist: Find A Child’s Joy in Adulthood

 How can we, as adults, feel the joy of children more often?

Yesterday, I was in a few different stores, and I noticed children beaming at me and smiling. These kids were likely under 5 years old. One child was actually walking backward quickly, trying to keep up with the large stride of his mother, grinning ear to ear while “speed- walking backward”.

Another child, in a food store, seemed to have a sling on her arm. From a distance, I glanced and perceived that she had hurt herself. As I got closer to her (at Whole Foods Market, produce department), I smiled and asked, “How did you hurt yourself?” She beamed back with a big smile, and said, “I am not hurt, I am just pretending”.  Then I noticed that her “sling” around her arm was actually a plastic bag from the produce department that she fabricated as a pretend sling.

She skipped away with her siblings and mom, having played “doctor” in that moment, creatively taking a prop, using a plastic bag that could hold apples or bananas, turning it into a joyful game in the moment.

Yes…joy in the moment. Do you recall a time when a moment could be joyful, in the most mundane of circumstances?

Today I need to drive about 20 miles north. It is sunny and beautiful, and I live a mile from the ocean. Rather than drive quickly up the highway, I plan to bring lots of my favorite music CD’s, and take a slow and beautiful ride up “A1A”, the scenic drive by the water. Yes, that will bring me lots of joy in each moment. The drive will take twice as long, and bring me much more joy in the moment.

ACTION QUESTION: What can you do each day to minimize your world of adult worries, live in the moment, feel more peace and celebrate simple joys?