“Ask Ellen Anmuth Psychotherapist” is a series dedicated to readers’ questions on topics such as depression, anxiety, anger, relationships, communication, conflict resolution, grief/ loss/bereavement, genetic counseling, medical problems, and stress management. Today’s blog is focused on depression associated with holidays.
Amy from Maine writes: “Dear Ellen Anmuth, Psychotherapist: Today is Easter Sunday, and I am feeling very depressed. I moved to Maine last October from San Diego. My family and life-long friends live in Southern California. This is the first Easter in a new place. I have been feeling depressed all week, and today was a very hard day. Please help.”
Ellen Anmuth, Psychotherapist writes: Dear Amy: Relocation to a new place can be a very difficult adjustment. When I read that you moved from Southern California in October of last year to Maine, that means that you experienced a very cold and challenging winter season. In addition, the sun sets earlier in Maine than Southern California. People who change their locations may have a condition called Seasonal Affective Disorder, related to reduced sunlight exposure.
Depression can be triggered by other factors, as well, such as a holiday spent away from family and friends. Was this your first Easter Sunday spent without these familiar faces? Was Easter Sunday usually a day of spiritual and emotional comfort?
Finally, relocating your home involves loss and adjustment. Some people focus only on the positive aspects of a move, and try to keep up a happy face, in spite of feelings of sadness and loss. Attempting to deny the feelings of loss can create more feelings of depression. There is an expression, ‘what we resist, persists’. By talking about feelings of loss, we become more empowered to cope with the challenges. Speaking with a Licensed Mental Health professional can also be of help. Easter Sunday, Thanksgiving, Christmas, birthdays, and anniversaries of deaths can all trigger depression. Creating a support group of friends during holiday times can help to avert severe depression. It took much courage for you to relocate across the country. Sometimes it takes equal courage to reach out for help and support during the difficult times. It is wonderful that you were able to write this email. If you continue to seek local support within your community, you will find the transition to Maine easier to adapt to.